How to make your clothes and shoes smell good? Here is a guide on how to keep your clothes and shoes smelling fresh and clean:
1. Hang your clothes on a hanger near an open window. This will "air out" your clothes, keeping them fresh as daisies.
2. Put scented dryer sheets in your shoes overnight or when you are not wearing them.
3. Place an open bar of scented soap in your closet as a quick air freshener for your clothes.
4. Add a few drops of your favorite perfume into your washing machine in its final rinse. This will make your clothes, sheet and towels smell nice and clean.
5. When you go off to school or work, leave a ceiling fan or plastic fan on to aerate your empty shoes and the clothes in your closet.
6. Quickly stab some cloves into an orange as a cheap old-fashioned air freshener. They will last about a week and leave a spicy, delicious scent in your smelly closet.
7. Never leave your dirty clothes on top of your clean clothes. Also if you just have a problem with your clothes smelling bad, don't leave them on your floor which will make your room stink.
8. You can also use a room fresher in your closet to make it smell fresh and newly washed.


Want to have a flat stomach for a special occasion? 
After an investigation I was through, I gathered the top 10 tips to achieve the goal in just a few days!
1. Cutting salt. Cutting back salt not only will help you beat bloat but also reduce risks of hyperintension and osteoporosis. As well as avoiding adding salt to your food when cooking and eating, don't forget to check salt levels on pre-packaged food you buy in the supermarket for a healthier diet.
2. Bloating beverages. These include alchohol, tea, coffee, hot chocolate and acidic fruit juices. These are high acid drinks that irritate your digestive system (stomach and intestine) resulting in bloating.
3. Sugar Alcohols. These are sugar substitutes (you can see it as xylitol or maltilol in pre packaged goodies), and are mainly found in low calorie or low carb products like cookies, cakes, sweets and energy bars. Basically, your digestive system cannot absorb them, therefore, they are not your belly's best friend.
4. Raw foods. For instance, three cooked carrots deliver the same nutrition as three raw carrots, but it takes up less room in your stomach. So try to eat only eat cooked vegetables, or smaller portions of unsweetened dried fruit and canned fruits in natural juice. Then you can get your nutrient needs without expanding your stomach and intestine and bloating.
5. Fizzy drinks. This isn't nuclear science. All these bubbles make your tummy bloat! Cut out all cans of Coke - including Diet Coke - and its substitutes, and your tum will definitely feel the flatter.
6. Excessive carbs. Bananas, bagels, pasta. Try to decrease carb intake and you can train your body access stored fuel and burn it off. 7. Chewing gum. It can be good for a quick minty breath boost, but chewing gum causes belly bloating. When you chew gum, you swallow air. All that air gets trapped in your stomach, and causes pressure, bloating and belly expansion.
8. Spicy food. Foods with black pepper, chilli powder, hot sauces, onions, garlic, mustard, barbecue sauce, tomato sauce or vinegar can all stimulate the release of stomach acids which can cause irritation.
9. Fried foods. Doughnuts? Fried breakfasts? Say goodbye. Chips? Forget it... Fatty foods, especially the fried variety, are digested more slowly, causing you to feel heavy and bloated.
10. Gassy food. Some foods simply create more gas than others, equals bloat. These can be legumes, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, onions, peppers and citrus fruits. Girls, say goodbye to belly and stomach expansion by adopting these rules in your diet!


Are you willing to build your own business from your kitchen table? If so, here are some steps you definitely should follow.
1. Team up. You surely have to share your views and ideas with a partner. Some key factors that you have to look while choosing a partner are reliability, honesty and know-how. It is good that you show to your customers you are established and instill confidence. Try to find to your partner the qualifications you are missing so that you complete each other.
2. Identify your skills. Try to work them out so that you can identify what you are able to do by yourself.
3. Plan ahead. It really matters. You can do that in all steps of the starting point of your business, growth, maturity and decline. For instance keep in mind how will further expansion affect your personal life and your family. 

4. Connect with the big wide world. If you use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and have a blog remember to cross-promote among the four of them. Most blog platforms provide buttons that you can add to your page allowing readers to share its content. 
5. Get help. Keep in mind that an experienced accountant is a necessity not a luxury. Even if you are someone who is good at maths, you need a person who gets constantly updates about the latest laws and legislation platforms.
 6. Treat investors professionally. Anyone who invests with you will always want to feel that you are looking after their money and that you understand the significance of their investment. So even if you’re not asked, always produce monthly accounts that show you are on top of your finances. 
7. Strive for balance. Do not overdo it during your everyday life. Keep in mind to set priorities and have a good time management. This will bring the desired results both to your work and your leisure. 
8. Remember it's a business. It may sound cliche but take into consideration that business is all about money. And money is something that most of businessmen would kill to have it. So keep your eyes wide open while having to deal with a contract, strategic alliance or partnership and ask reliable professionals for advice. 
9. Make the most of every minute. Even in times when you are not fully occupied with a project or do's you can schedule other things in prior so that you are fully organized. Do not forget: Do not leave for tomorrow what you could easily do today.


As is Monday tomorrow and each one of us sets some goals to achieve, I decided to make a veggie soup tomorrow morning in a big bowl that it will last for 3-4 days as a detoxing diet. Let me share with you how I will prepare this tasteful, multivitamin and healthy recipe! 
Early in the morning I will go to the vegetables market to gather all that I need fresh and ready for cooking. 
What you will need for the soup for 2 people that will last up to 4 days (fridge maintenance):
3 carrots
one tomato
a cucumber
a bunch of celery
a bunch of parsley
two beetroots
a potato
some lettuce
some cauliflower
and some broccoli.
1. Wash all the vegetables and boil them till they are soft and well made. ( It will take up to half an hour). 2. Place the veggies in a multi mixer till all of it is one mixture.
Fresh olive oil
a little bit of salt if you wish
fresh lemon juice.

Enjoy! After four days of such a detoxing, do not be afraid to weight yourself or wear the perfect pair of jeans which is hidden in your closet!!


Even though the weather in Greece is still about 30 degrees many people have the flu. Flu season is the time of year when the flu virus is most common. Outbreaks of the flu occur in different seasonal patterns around the world. In temperate climate zones, flu season will typically begin in the late fall and peak in mid-to-late winter. All of my family, from youngsters to olders have a sore throat and an annoying caughing. Even my pets have the flu and they cannot stop caughing. I officially have the season flu cause I feel depressed and I have a sore throat. Hot tea with honey and special herbs that help recovering really work. Although fall is already here and has lot of fun, it brings a lot of health headaches. Allergies, seasonal depression, and the flu are just some of the common health problems introduced during autumn. It is important to be aware of these conditions and get ready for the fall season in advance. Flu season generally peaks in January and February, but can start as early as late September or early October. It is true that each year a different vaccine is formulated to protect against the most common strands for the year. Certain people, such as the elderly and young children, have a higher risk for severe symptoms, and are therefore encouraged to get their flu shot as early as possible. Early prevention is the best medicine. In addition, do not forget to have your hand sanitizer ready!
To summarize, remember:
1. Clean
2. Keep tissues handy
3. Encourage vaccinations.